History: World War I (StAysnaik)

Library Databases

To use databases off-site, access these Library Database Passwords 

Database Citation: Most entries provide a formatted citation, usually at the end of the article.

World at War: Conflict and Society (ABC-CLIO)

World History in Context (Gale)


The books that for this project are on the World War I cart.

If you can’t find what you need, then please check with a librarian.

Feel free to use the library's book scanner, to print the article or send yourself a digital version via email.


Cite sources as you find them, using MLA 9 Style. 

Most LS Library databases provide citations (below the article, or via a link).


MyBib (also auto-generated Works Cited)

NoodleTools (also notecards and auto-generated Works Cited page)

[NOTE: Databases provide you with citations, so you do not need to use a citation generator to cite database articles. Just copy and paste the database citations.]