History: Psychology Case Conference (Herbert, Hodin, Murphy)
Books and Library Catalogs
Psychology reference books, including the DSM-5, are on a book cart. Please use our library's scanner to copy the pages you wish to use (so that these limited resources can be shared with and used by everyone).
You may be able to find more books about a particular disorder by searching catalogs in our library and other libraries:
Websites & Google Scholar
Databases & eBook
Health & Wellness (Gale) (reference and journal articles)
OneFile: Health & Medicine (Gale) (journal articles)
JSTOR contains digitized back issues of academic journals. It is available through the Boston Public Library (BPL). Please read the following instructions carefully.
If you already have a BPL eCard or a physical BPL card, then go to BPL’s Psychology and Sociology Resources page and click JSTOR. When prompted, enter your BPL ecard or BPL library card info.
If you do not have a BPL eCard or a physical BPL card, then sign up for a BPL eCard. After you have signed up, then go to the Psychology and Sociology Resources page and click JSTOR. Use the number that was emailed to you along with the PIN you chose to access it.
Search Tips for Databases
To find relevant journal articles, you may want to narrow your search. For specific treatments, causes, or behaviors related to a disorder, try looking at the NIMH website. If you are still having difficulty identifying specific aspects of the disorder, then put the disorder name and a relevant keyword into a Google search. Example searches:
"anorexia nervosa" and treatment
depression and causes
"borderline personality disorder" and behavior
Once you have specific search terms (e.g., CBT, antidepressants, etc.), then go to a database and use these terms along with the disorder. For example:
"anorexia nervosa" and "nutritional counseling"
depression and genetics
"borderline personality disorder" and “distorted self-image"
Use quotations to find an exact phrase. For example:
"personality disorder"
"attachment disorder"
"post-traumatic stress disorder"
"social anxiety phobia"
"anorexia nervosa"
Truncation finds different forms of the same word, in a single search. In truncation, a symbol is added to the end of a word root. Often, the symbol for truncation is an asterisk * . The asterisk tells the database to search for all forms of that word.
For example, typing censor* in a database finds these results:
Why use truncation? If a word has various endings and those variants essentially refer to the same concept, then truncation can save time, as it offers more complete search results in a single search. (Some word roots do not work well with truncation, because the word roots diverge into different concepts–for example, minor* would find minor, minors, minority, minorities, etc. or wom* would find womb, wombat, women, woman, etc.)
NOTE: An asterisk does truncation in the Advanced Search field of most–though not all–databases. If using a truncation symbol such as an asterisk, you may need to use the word “and” between your keyword terms (to avoid an error message). Each database offers a "Help" section which may provide its own specific guidance about truncation.
Most databases provide links or a drop-down menu to sort by relevance or date.
Most databases have a link called Advanced or Advanced Search. Using Advanced Search, you can:
limit the date range
limit the document type
refine your keyword search
Use the citation style outlined in your assignment and cite sources as you find them. (If you have the option to choose your citation style--MLA or APA--then be consistent with the style you use.)
NoodleTools (see "NoodleTools" section below)
LS Library databases provide complete citations. Just copy the entire APA 7 or MLA 9 citation and paste it into your citation generator:
In MyBib: Click More and choose Write/Paste citation (end of list).
In NoodleTools: First, choose the type of citation you want. Then, you'll have the option to Quick cite. These directions show more.
For APA 7 citation style, follow these templates:
APA 7 Reference List:
American Psychiatric Association. (Publication year). Title of chapter. In Title of book (?th ed.).
APA 7 Parenthetical Citation:
(American Psychiatric Association, publication year)
APA 7 Narrative Citation:
American Psychiatric Association (publication year)
For MLA 9 citation style, follow these templates:
MLA 9 Works Cited:
American Psychiatric Association. "Title of Chapter." Title of Book, Publisher, Publication Year, page numbers.
MLA 9 Parenthetical Citation:
(American Psychiatric Association, page number)
MLA 9 Narrative Citation:
American Psychiatric Association (page number)